Retail Program Standards Reference System (RPSRS)
About Retail Program Standards Reference System (RPSRS)
RPSRS is a searchable knowledgebase for the regulation of foodservice and retail food establishments. It is intended to reinforce proper sanitation (good retail practices) and operational and environmental prerequisite programs while encouraging regulatory agencies and industry to focus on the factors that cause and contribute to foodborne illness, with the ultimate goal of reducing the occurrence of those factors. RPSRS will encourage regulatory agencies to improve and build upon existing program work and further provide a framework designed to accommodate both traditional and emerging approaches to food safety. Questions regarding the use of RPSRS should be directed to an FDA Retail Food Specialist.
About Office of Retail Food Protection
The Office of Retail Food Protection (ORFP) is comprised of two divisions, the Division of Retail Food Protection Policy, Research and Risk Assessment (DRFPPRRA) and the Division of Retail Food Protection Implementation (DRFPI). The DRFPPRRA serves as the Agency liaison for retail food and interstate travel conveyance policy with State partners, other Federal agencies and industry associations in administering the federal portion of the federal/state cooperative retail food protection program and provides expert advice to advance public health through the development of science-informed regulation, policy and guidance for retail food safety and interstate conveyances. The DRFPI consists of FDA Retail Food Specialists who work with state, local, tribal and territorial regulatory agencies throughout the United States. Retail Food Specialists serve as the primary point of contact for state officials concerning the voluntary regulatory retail food program standards. Retail Food Specialists promote the enrollment and implementation of the voluntary national retail food regulatory program standards and the complete and uniform adoption of the Model Food Code. They train and standardize state, local, tribal and other jurisdictional regulatory personnel as well as provide guidance and technical assistance on retail food protection programs.
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