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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

GRAS Notices

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GRN No. 896


Intended Use: Intended for use as an ingredient in beverages, carbonated/non-carbonated, juice, flavored water; ready-to-drink iced tea, coffee and teas; sports drinks; energy drinks; soups; meal-replacement drinks; processed fruits and vegetable juices; dairy products analogs; dairy and analogs; sugars and sweets; coffee and tea; infant formulas; growing-up milks; baby cereals; baby foods; and toddler foods at levels ranging from 0.29 to 13.33 percent
Basis: Scientific procedures
Notifier: Olygose
Notifier Address: Parc Technologique des Rives de lOise
BP 50149, Compiegne Cedex, F-60201
GRAS Notice (releasable information): GRN 896 with amendments (in PDF) (5.9 MB)
Date of closure: Sep 18, 2020
FDA's Letter: FDA has no questions (in PDF) (202 kB)