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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

GRAS Notices

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GRN No. 605


Intended Use: For use as an ingredient in Acidophilus milk; analogs and substitutes for meat, poultry or fish; bars; breakfast cereals; beverages and juices; cakes; cheese; cream; confectionery; cookies; crackers; dessert toppings and fillings; hard candy; ice cream; infant foods (0-12 months); jams and jellies; milk, flavored and unflavored; milk, evaporated and condensed; muffins and quick bread, sauces, gravies and condiments; snacks, sorbet and sherbert; soup; toddler foods (12-24 months); yogurt at levels ranging from 0.4 to 6.7 percent.
Basis: Scientific procedures
Notifier: Tata Chemicals Limited
Notifier Address: Survey No 315, Hissa No 1-14, Ambedveth (V), Paud road, Mulshi,Pune,41211, India
Date of filing: Nov 19, 2015
GRAS Notice (releasable information): GRN 605 (in PDF) (6.7 MB)
Date of closure: Mar 17, 2016
FDA's Letter: FDA has no questions