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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

GRAS Notices

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GRN No. 569

Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS)

Intended Use: For use as an ingredient in term infant formula, and follow-on formula at a use level providing up to 7.2 g of GOS per liter of reconstituted or ready to consume product.
Basis: Scientific procedures
Notifier: New Francisco Biotechnology Corporation
Notifier Address: Swan-kan-chiau Industrial District, Kaofong Village Yunfu City, Guangdong Province, CHINA 527343
Date of filing: Mar 20, 2015
GRAS Notice (releasable information): GRN 569 (in PDF) (819 kB)
Date of closure: Nov 25, 2015
FDA's Letter: FDA has no questions