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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

GRAS Notices

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GRN No. 404

Cyclic dextrin, highly branched

Intended Use: As a carbohydrate source, flavoring agent or spray-drying aid in a variety of food products, including baked goods and baking mixes, beverages and beverage bases, breakfast cereals, tea, grain products, seasonings, milk and plant protein products, processed fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, soft candy and powdered soups excluding meat and poultry products at a level ranging from 0.25 to 24 grams per reference amount customarily consumed per eating occasion
Basis: Scientific procedures
Notifier: Ezaki Glico Co., Ltd.
Notifier Address: 4-6-5, Utajima Nishioyogogawa
Date of filing: Oct 11, 2011
GRAS Notice (releasable information): GRN 404 (in PDF)
Date of closure: Sep 10, 2012
Date of FDA’s corrected letter: Oct 31, 2012
FDA's Letter: FDA has no questions