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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

GRAS Notices

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GRN No. 156

Tomato lycopene extract 6 percent, tomato lycopene extract 1.5 percent, and crystallized tomato lycopene extract

Intended Use: Ingredient in baked goods, breakfast cereals, cheeses, condiments and relishes, confections, dairy product analogs, frozen dairy desserts, gelatins, puddings and fillings, grain products, gravies and sauces, jams and jellies, meat products, milk products, processed vegetables and vegetable juices, snack foods, soft candies, and soups and soup mixes at a maximum final concentration of lycopene in food of 10 milligrams/kilogram (mg/kg)
Use in medical foods at a level not to exceed 3 mg of lycopene per 100 kilocalories or 36 mg of lycopene per day
Basis: Scientific procedures
Notifier: LycoRed Natural Products Industries, Ltd.
Notifier Address: P.O. Box 320, Hebron Road, Industrial Zone, Beer-Shiva 84102, ISRAEL
Date of filing: Aug 11, 2004
GRAS Notice (releasable information): GRN 156 (in PDF)
Date of closure: Feb 7, 2005
FDA's Letter: FDA has no questions; some uses may require a color additive listing
Additional correspondence: Sep 15, 2010
Additional correspondence about intended use in medical foods