Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substance (FCS) Notifications
FCN No. 1420
Ecolab, Inc.
According to Section 409(h)(1)(C) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, food contact substance notifications (FCNs) are effective only for the listed manufacturer and its customers. Other manufacturers must submit their own FCN for the same food contact substance and intended use.
Food Contact Substance: | 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid (CAS Reg. No. 499-83-2). |
Notifier: | Ecolab, Inc. |
Manufacturer/Supplier: | Ecolab, Inc. |
Intended Use: | To stabilize peroxyacid equilibrium mixtures during storage (i.e., before dilution with water and subsequent use on food), for use on red meats such as beef and pork. |
Limitations/Specifications: | To be used at a maximum level of 0.7 ppm in the wash water. |
Effective Date: | Jul 14, 2014 |
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)** Submission: | Environmental Assessment (in PDF, 584 kB) |
FDA Decision: | Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) |